Amish and American made bedroom sets. Hurry in while the SALE lasts. Our solid wood bedroom selection is second to none.
Note on Dimensions: Our Amish Furniture can be built to the Dimension you need. Find the style of furniture and we will build it to fit.

Check out this “Live Edge” bedroom grouping from the Amish. With our custom options you have 100’s of choices that will satisfy your stylish taste. You can have it built to fit your space. Our staff knows the product, we offer the style, finish and wood to meet your requirements. With one of the largest in stock selection of Amish built bed sets in the Northwest.

Over 120 builder catalogs you will see the difference right away.

Take advantage of this savings on all our bedroom furniture. Amish made furniture that you order will include the same SALE price.

Two tone and painted options with over 350 color options.
Your choice of wood and finish, this collection have over 30 pieces in the collection. Very traditional feel and look. Need storage? We have nearly every possible space covered and done with style.

We now offer quality baby furniture in our baby furniture link on the right side of the sight.

Over 40 bed combinations in stock at our stores for your to see and feel.
Over 40 sets of Amish and American bedroom groups on display. Solid wood Solid value in your choice of wood, style and finish. We will custom size any dresser to fit you space. 
We have styles in every category and custom items we can make for you. Many of our American Built Factories offer a LIFETIME Warranty with all their products. Low prices are here on the best quality furniture you will see. Below are samples of bedroom furniture from a number of builders. Additional options for custom work can be done, see store for details. Samples of our custom work are on our custom link. We showcase our USA Built Furniture, did I mention 97% of all our furniture is build in America? The factories we show only represent about 30% of the products we offer. Some of our best builders & sources do not have web sites, just catalogs that can be browsed at either of our covenant locations. Our selection and service will make buying furniture a fun-filled experience, and one that won’t break the bank. And for your peace of mind we have no commissioned staff! Delivery is available.      |